
Saturday, August 24, 2019

August 24, 2019

How to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.And How to change Blogger profile

How to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.And How to change  Blogger Blog profile.

On Blogger Blog, you can also share your profile with your readers / visitors. And can give them information about themselves. For Blog Profile, you can use Blogger Profile.
In this Tutorial, we are giving you complete information about the Show Blogger Profile. You will know how to Show Blogger Profile - How to Show Blogger Profile ? Following is the way to show your own profile on your blog.

How to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.

Step by step way How to show author profile on blog

Step: # 1

First of all go to and sign in with Google account. You have to sign in with the same Google account. The account with which you created your blog.

Step: # 2

After signing in, you will have Blogger Dashboard Open. From here you go to the left and click on the Layout Menu.

How to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.

Step: # 3

Now you will have Blogger Layout Open. Now go to the part of the blog where you want to show your profile and click on Add a gadget. We are making Blogger Profile Display here in Blog's Right Side.

Step: # 4

Now the list of all Gadgets available by Blogger will open in front of you in the New Browser Window. Of which you have to click on Profile Gadget. For this, you click on the + button inside this gadget.

How to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.

Step: # 5

Now your profile will be shown in front of you. Which you edit according to yourself. After filling or deleting more information, click on Save.
Title: You can give any name in the title. But here you are showing information about your profile, so give it something about me or this is me, then it would be right.
Shown as: Here your name will appear which you have written in Google account. You can also change this.
Display options: Here you will get two options, if you want, you can show both, you can show any one and if you can show none. Check the one you want to show and unchecked the one you do not want to show.

Full information to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.

Step: # 6

Now your profile will start appearing on your blog. If you do not believe, you can go to your blog and see. Which you will see something like this.
what have you learned?

Full information to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.

In this Lesson, we have given you complete information about Show on's Profile Blog. And told you step by step way of showing Blogger Profile. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

 How to show the author profile on Blogger Blog.

How to change  Blogger Blog Profile 

In this tutorial, we will give you complete information about How to changing Blogger Blog profile. You will know how to change Blogger Profile - How to Change Blogger Profile ? And what should we keep in mind while changing Blogger Profile.

Step by step way How to change Blogger blog profile

Step: # 1

First of all go to and sign in with Google account.You have to sign on with an equivalent Google account. The account with which you created your blog.

Step: # 2

After linguistic communication in, you'll have Blogger Dashboard Open. From here you go a little down in the left corner and click on Settings.

Step: # 3

Now Blogger Settings will be expanded in front of you. From here you have to click on User Settings.

step: # 4

User settings have been opened to you. Here you will find two options in the User Profile inside General.


You have to select Blogger option. And save the settings by going to Save settings.
congratulation! You have successfully selected your profile.

Using Blogger Profile

We can use only one profile at a time for our blog. If you want to use Blogger Profile, then you can share it by selecting Blogger Profile.

The information available in Blogger Profile will start appearing on your blog for Readers / Visitors. You can also update this information. And something extra about yourself.

what have you learned?

In this lesson, we have given you complete information about How to changing the profile of Did you know how to change Blogger Profile on Blog? We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

May 26, 2019

What is the Blogger Dashboard?

Blogger Dashboard The first time when log in is done through a Google Account on Then the screen that first appears in the first time is called the Dashboard. Dashboard works for Navigatar and Controller for Users.
You can also call the Dashboard Tool Box. Because all those tools are available in it. With the help of which Blogs can be managed. Blogs can be easily controlled, managed and customized with the help of features available in the Dashboard.

What is the Blogger Dashboard?

Name and usage of tools available in the Blogger Dashboard
Like all other CMS, Blogger also makes Dashboard available to its users. So that they can manage their blogs. The Blogger Dashboard is simple and its interfaces are also User Friendly. And in the same place all the necessary tools are available for users.
Google Apps - This button lets you use other Google Apps. Like Gmail, Youtube, My Account, etc. To use them, click on Apps Icon and click on the App to use.
Notifications - This is Notifications Button. Where you get the notifications received for
Google Account - This image belongs to your Google Account. The Google Account you are using is for Photos of the same account appear here. You can manage a Google Account by clicking on it.
Blog Name - The blog you are currently working on. It shows its name.
Blog Selector - This is the Down Arrow Button, which lets you view Blog List and choose Blog.
New Post - With this button you can directly create new post.
User Name - The user name appears here, which you have written in your Google Account. And this same name appears in your profile.
Filters and Labels - With this option you can filter before filtering and search related to a particular topic.
Search Box - This is the search box. You can search through it.
Vew Blog - With this button you can view your blog as a reader.
Left Menu - This is the most important part of Blogger. Because the tools available here are most of the work.
Posts - All the types of posts available on the blog can be seen by this option. And from here they can also edit, delete, publish.
Stats - All the data related to the blog is available here. Such as Pageviews, Users, etc.
Comments - All the comments made on the blog post can be here from you.
Earnings - By this option you can use google adsense on blog.
Pages - From here you can manage pages for blogs. Can publish, edit and delete them.
Layout - Some additional features for the blog are available here.
Themes - The look of the blog is controlled by this feature.
Settings - From here you can set blogs.
Create a new post - You can also write a new post by this button.
Navigation - This helps you see new and old posts.
Number Indicator - shows how many items you want to see on one page. You can do it more or less with it.
Reading list - The names and posts of other blogs followed by the users are shown here.
Help - If you need some help about Blogger, then you can get help from Help.
what have you learned?
In this lesson we have given you complete information about the User Dashboard of Did you know what a Dashboard is? And what are the names and uses of all the tools available in the Blogger Dashboard?
May 26, 2019

Full information on creating free blogs on

Full information on creating free blogs on

Making Blog on is very easy. You can make your own website by following the steps in just a few easy steps. And in this tutorial, we will tell you how to create free blogs on - How to Create a Free Blogger Blog?

How to create your own blog on Blogger?
Step: # 1 First go to
Step: Click on # 2 Create a Blog.
Step: # 3 Sign in with Google Account.
Step: Write # 4 Blog Title.
Step: Write # 5 Blog Name and Write Description
Step: Click on # 6 and Creat Blog.
Step: See the blog by visiting # 7 View blog. Your blog has been created.

Step: # 1

First go to Blogger's official website. To go to Blogger's website, type in the address bar of the browser. Or you can also go to Blogger by clicking on the button below.

Step: # 2

By doing so, you will be able to access Blogger's homepage and open the homepage of in front of you. From here you click on CREATE YOUR BLOG

Step: # 3

Where to go now you will sign in. You can use a Google Account for this. Please sign in by typing E-mail address and password. To do the sign you do the following 4 things.
First write the Google Account you want to sign in with. like
After typing in the Gmail ID, click Next button next to it.
First you write a Google Account password.
After typing the password, click on Next to sign in.

Step: # 4

After entering the password, you will be signed in as soon as you next, and the form for creating a website will open before you. In which you fill out the following four information
Title - First of all you have to write the name of your free website in the title field. The name you want to keep. Like myblog or the name of your favorite name here.
Address - Then in the Address field you have to choose the URL of the website. This URL will be the real name of your website and this will identify Google or other search engines. Whatever this type of can be.
Theme - Choose one of the best themes from now available for your free website. Themes affect the appearance of your website. So choose a great theme for your website.
Create blog! - When you do all three of the above work and once again reconnect, the button below will create blog! Make your website by clicking on

Step: # 5

congratulation! Your free website has been created. If you do not believe you can see your website now. For this, click on the View blog in the upper right corner.
Step:# 6 create your blog.
Step:# 7 view your blog
May 26, 2019

Full information about internet dongle

If you have been using the Internet in your computer for the last several years. So it is possible that you must have heard the word Dongle?

Dongle is a Mini USB Drive. Used to use the internet on computers, laptops, etc. At present Wi-Fi Dongle is also available in the market. You can use the Internet by connecting multiple devices simultaneously using the Internet.
What is dongal? How many dongals are there? What is the use of this? Etc. The questions will come to your mind too. In this lesson, we are giving you the answers to these questions.

Table of Content
What is dongal?
History of dongle?
Type of dongle?
Benefits of using dongle?
what have you learned?
What are dongals - What is Dongle in Hindi?
Dongle is also known as modem, which has full form Modulator-Demodulator. It is also known as internet dongle, USB modem dongle, internet stick etc.

It is slightly larger in size than a pendrive and has a mini USB flash drive. We can use any kind of computer, laptop and dongle support tablet to access the internet in tablet devices.

Wireless internet can also be used in computer with the help of dongle.

After connecting the dongle to the computer or laptop's USB port, the software is connected to the internet with the help of it. Dongle can easily be transported from place to place due to portable and dongle portable features. While using Internet, Dungal's high quality security is still being used.

History of dongles
Dongle was first made for the first time in the 1970s. At that time he was prepared to protect computer software. Which could have been run when plugged into the computer's USB port. In 1978, the invention of Dangle and its name was kept by three people named Software Protection Dongle Graham Heggee, Pete Dowson, Mike Lake.

How many dongles are there
Internet Dongle
Wi-Fi Dongle
Internet Dongle
Internet dongles are made by different companies, so that we can only use that SIM. The service provider is the dongle. For example, if your internet company is from Dongle Idea Company, then you can use the Internet only by inserting the Idea SIM in that dongle.

And be aware that internet packs must be in the Idea SIM at that time. Apart from this, after unlocking the company's dongle, we can use the internet to attach the SIM of any network to that dongle and use the internet.

Wi-Fi Dongle
Internet dongles have been used for a long time. At present, they have started to lose less. Due to the growing evolution of technology, Wi-Fi Dongle is being used today instead.

Nowadays Wi-Fi dongles are easily available in the market. It is very easy to use. Because of the use of Wi-Fi dongle we need to charge the Wi-Fi dongle just like the mobile.

After charging and using dongle can do anything. With this, the main advantage of using Wi-Fi dongles is that with Wi-Fi dongle we can connect many devices to our mobile, computers, etc. simultaneously.

Like the Internet dongle, there are many advantages of using Wi-Fi Dongle. But they are wireless due to which they can be connected to multiple devices simultaneously.

The main disadvantage in WiFi dongles and Internet dongles is that it has limited internet speed. Because of this, connecting your device to the dongle can not use the speed of the internet with a speed limit in your device. And downloading limit can be done.

However Dongle is portable. But moving to places where there is no cellular network is useless.

Benefits of using dongles
The main advantage of using dongle is that their size is quite small. Because of which they can be taken easily and used anywhere from one place to another. So they can do tran, hotel, park, home from anywhere.
Internet dongles are wireless because of which we do not need to use any type of USB cable to use the internet.
Using Dongle is easy. Anyone in the world can access the Internet while plugging in the device.
Dongle is connected to the computer's USB port. So we do not need to charge them to access the internet.
May 26, 2019

Full details of selfie

Have you seen Selfie post in social site like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram?
Due to the increasing trends of Selfie, will it be heard about telewisions and selfie accidents in newspapers?
Now the question is, what is Selfie, how can we take Selfie from our smartphone? In this article we are giving full details of selfies. In which you have been taught how to take a great selfie from your smartphone as well as informing Selfie.
What are selfie
Simply put, "Selfie" is your own photo. This photo is taken from the front camera of your smartphone, tablet or other device. Generally two cameras are present in each smartphone. Which includes a Back Camera (Rear Camera) and the other Front Camera.
While taking selfies, the smartphone is clicked through the front camera of the smartphone. During this time, while clicking selfies, we are attached to the smartphone with our hands or selfie stick. Today, selfie sticks are easily available in the market.
In the initial round of smartphones, most smartphones did not have front cameras. Or the low quality was the front camera. But over time, the quality of the camera's camera has been significantly improved by mobile vendor companies. Because of the high quality and front megapixel front camera available at low prices in today's time, smartphone is available in the smartphone.
Here you need to know that if a smartphone's front camera is clicked with a photo of two or more people. So it is not called selfie. When we capture the picture of ourselves from the front camera of our smartphone or tablet device, only that photo is called Selfie.
Because of the increasing trend of Selfie, people are very excited about selfie not only in India but also abroad. Especially among the young people who prefer to take selfies. Today you can easily see the selfie taken by people on social sites like Facebook, Whatsapp etc. And many Bollywood songs, videos have also come in the past few years due to the increasing selfie movement in India.
History of Selfie -
The selfie of the present time was quite different from old selfies. And due to the improvement in this, we can now easily get selfie. In 1839, the photograph taken by Robot Curney took 3 minutes to get out. This picture was given the name of Self Portrait ie Selfie.
This work was very slow. In which the person had to stand in front of the camera for 3 minutes to 15 minutes in the same currency. And the camera's lens cap had to be changed from time to time.
After that, some experiments were made about selfie, in which a 13-year-old girl standing in front of the mirror took mirror selfie in 1914, and this girl wrote to her father in the letter, "During my photo, Were".
These incidents prove that the history of selfies is full of exciting events. In 1966, a photo came in the discussion, when a foreigner himself clicked the photo (Selfie) standing in front of the Taj Mahal. This photo has to be known as the first Taj Mahal Selfie.
In the year 2013, the Oxford Dictionary substituted the Selfie in its dictionary, in which selfie means self-captured photo, and you will be surprised to know that this popular word was also called "Word of the Year" in 2013. is. And is celebrated as World Selfie Day on 21st June worldwide.
As a selfie crazy you will be interested to know which ones are taken by selfies?
By the way Selfie is clicked by almost all age group smartphone users. But according to the figures, 18 years to 34 years of age do not forget to take selfie at the preferred place. It is important to know that big celebrities like Prime Minister of India and Barack Obama also take selfies.
According to a research done in the UK, the most selfie is taken by men. In which they find the best way to find the best selfie online and according to the 2014 data, 94 million selfies are taken each day. And this figure is going to increase.
Why do people like to take selfie?
Many men and women use photo editing software while taking selfies. So that he can present them in the new form. So we can say that selfies are also taken to get a compliment.
People believe that social media is such a platform, where people can present themselves outside daily life. People also take self-interest and share them on social media to attract others' attention.
Along with that selfie shows your face. Thereby, the mood of your face can also be estimated. Because of which Selfie is also used to express its feelings.
At the same time people have started liking photos with celebrities, cricketers, Bollywood stars and other femdom people instead of taking autographs. And this work can not make any photos better than a selfie.
How much self-harm can be proven to be harmful?
Yes, some people like to take new-new selfies every day throughout the day, though they This habit does not post photos on social media.
According to a survey, taking selfie repeatedly can prove to be harmful to our face. Because the skin is more prone to skin due to skin radiation and heat from the phone due to the heat during selfie.
Apart from this, taking more selfies everyday can be quite painful for our neck. Because taking more selfie can cause problems in the blood flow of the veins in the neck.
Along with this, it can also be harmful for our eyes. Because light and screen resolutions make a big difference in the eye from mobile. Because of which we should use selfie in such a way as to keep us in this way. Thereby, our health and safety remain intact.