Who is this guide for?
If you are the owner of online content that you manage with Google search or earn from it, then this guide is for you. Maybe you are the owner of a company that is growing and succeeding, webmaster of dozens of sites, a SEO expert in a web agency, or a better SEO expert who knows the search process: This guide is for you. . If you want to know all the basics of the use of SEO, according to our best practices, then this guide will help you. There is no such unique thing in this guide that lets your site rank first on Google (sorry!), But hopefully using the best methods described below will help your search engine It will be easy to crawl, index and understand it.
Often search engine optimization (SEO) is meant for small changes in parts of your website. These changes can be minor improvements, but with other optimization, it can prove to be very effective in relating to the experience of users coming to your site and the results of organic search results. There may be many topics about this guide that you already know because they are essential for any web page, however, you are not able to take full advantage of them.
You should make a website that will benefit your users and continuously optimize the website to improve their experience. These users also include search engines, which helps other users find your content. The search engine optimization work is to help the search engine understand and present content. Your site may be smaller or larger than our site, which we have given examples. It may also be that it has very different content, but the optimization topics discussed below apply to all types of sites. We hope that our guide will know some new ways to improve your website. Also, we would like to tell you about the benefits of using your questions, suggestions, and guides on Google Webmaster Help Forum 1.
We hope you enjoy the benefits of this content. We hope to hear your feedback from our Google Help Forum and add them to this content.
Feel free to guide the guide, print responsibly and share it again: Let's improve the quality of the web.
Enjoy reading!
Google Search Quality Team
To start
Helping Google find your content
Tell Google which pages should not be crawled
Helping Google (and Users) understand your content
Managing your presence in Google search results
Organizing things in your site
Optimizing your content
Optimizing Your Image
Making your site mobile friendly
Promoting your website
Analyze your search performance and user behavior
More information: Link URL used in this paper
To start
Here is a small glossary of the key words used in this guide:
In Index - Google collects all the web pages about which he has information. Entering the index for each page gives the details of the content and place (url) of that page. When Google takes a page, reads it and adds it to the index, it is said to index it: Google today indexed several pages on my site.
Crawl - This is the process of finding new or updated web pages. Goes to Google Links, reads a Sitemap, and searches for URLs in many other ways. Google crawls the web to find new pages, then indexes them (when appropriate).
Crawler - Automatically working software that crawls and detects pages from the web.
Googlebot - Google's crawler's common name Googlebot continually crawls the web
SEO - Search Engine Optimization: A way to improve your site for search engines. Also, it is also used for the job that people do for their livelihood: We have recently hired a new SEO to improve our presence on the web.
Does your site appear on Google?
Decide whether your site is in Google's index - search the site for your site's home URL: If you see the results, then you are in the index. For example, on finding "site: wikipedia.org", these results 2 appear.
If your site is not on Google - however, Google crawls billions of pages, so it's also certain to miss some files in this process. When our crawler leaves a site, it often happens due to one of the following reasons:
Site is not well connected to other sites on the web
You just launched a new site and Google has not yet had time to crawl it.
Due to the design of the site, Google has difficulty crawling the contents of the site effectively
Google encountered an error while trying to crawl your site.
Your policy prevents Google from crawling the site
What should I do to show my site in Google's search results?
There is no need to submit your site to Google. Google is a fully automated search engine that uses web crawlers to continually learn more about the web. Also, searches for sites to add to our index. In fact, most of the sites included in our results are not manually submitted, but when we crawl the web, find them and automatically add them to the index. Learn how Google searches, crawls, and shows them web pages. 3
We have set guidelines 4 for webmasters. This will help you to create a website that Google can easily crawl. However, there is no guarantee that crawlers will find your site, but following these guidelines will help you to show your site in our search results.
Google Search Console provides tools to help you submit your content to Google. Plus, it monitors what you are doing in 'Google search'. If you want, Search Console can also send you notifications about important issues that appear to Google in the case of your site. Sign up for Search Console 5.
Here are some basic questions to ask about yourself for your website when you start.
Is my website appearing on Google?
Do I give users the good quality content?
Is my local business looking on Google?
Does my content look fast and easy on every device?
Is my website safe?
You can learn more about getting started at http://g.co/webmasters6
The rest of this document explains ways to make the site better for search engines, which are organized according to the subject. You can download a short and printable checklist of advice by visiting http://g.co/WebmasterChecklist7.
Do you need a SEO expert?
An SEO ("Search Engine Optimization") expert is one who is trained to improve the presence of your website on the search engine. This guide can be learned to optimize your site. In addition, you should consider hiring a professional SEO who can assist you in auditing your page.
Hiring SEO is a good decision that can improve your site and save your time. Do research thoroughly about what the benefits of hiring an SEO can be. Also, find out how much irresponsible SEO can harm your site. Many SEO and other agencies and consultants provide useful services to website owners, including:
Reviewing the content or text of your site
Technical advice related to advancing the website: For example, hosting, redirecting, gathering information about disturbing pages, using JavaScript
Creating Materials
Management of campaigns related to increasing online business
Keyword research
Seo training
Keeping good information about specific markets and areas
Before you take the service of SEO, it is better to know about how the search engine works. By doing this, you will become a knowledgeable customer. We recommend that you read this guide fully and especially read these links below.
Google 101: How Google crawls the Web, indexes it, and shows people how to do it 8
Google's Guidelines for Webmasters 9
How to take Seo service 10
If you are thinking of hiring an SEO, then the sooner you do it, the better. The best time to hire someone is when you are thinking of redesigning a site or launching a new site. In this way, you and your SEO can be sure that your site is designed to make the search engine friendly from below to the top. However, a good SEO can also help improve an existing site.
To learn more about when services should be seo and what features should be there, you can read the article "Do you need SEO" on our Help Center 11
Helping Google find your content
The first way to get your site to Google is to be sure that Google can find it. The best way to do this is to submit a sitemap. Sitemap is a file related to your site that tells search engines about new or changed pages on your site. Learn more about creating and submitting Sitemaps12
Google also looks for pages through links from another page. To learn how people find your site, promote your site further in this document.
Tell Google which pages should not be crawled
Best practices
For non-sensitive information, prevent robust.txt by using robots.txt
A "robots.txt" file tells the search engine if they can access and crawl parts of your site. This file, named "robots.txt", is placed in the root directory of your site. You may be crawling the page despite being blocked from robots.txt, so you should use a more secure method for sensitive pages.
Image showing the correct location of the robots.txt file
You might have some pages on your site
ny section of the article appearing on your page matches a user's query well then Google should use that relevant section of the article that appears on your page. Can choose. For Google to not get good articles to make snippets, it's always helpful to add the information meta tag to each of your pages. There are posts providing information about 19 to improve snippets using better-known meta tags on Webmaster Central Blog and making 19 better snippets for their users. There is also about 20 articles about how to create good titles and snippets at our help center, which you can easily get help by reading.
For the "baseball card", the link created as a plain blue sample in search results
Linked to the search of ice cream stores
You can markup many things related to the business:
The product you are selling
Business address
Video about your products or business
opening time
Event preview
Your company's logo and many other things!
What types of content can be shown in the search results, see their complete list on our site created for developers.
We suggest that you use systematic data with any markup code to give information about your content that is correct as it is shown in search results. You can add markup to the HTML code of your pages or you can use Tool 24 which help you to highlight systematic data and tool 24 to help you markup (To get more information about them)
See 'The Best Way Section').
Best practices
See your markup using the check of rich results
After markup your content, you can avoid any mistakes made in markup using Google's Tool 25 checker of rich results. You can enter the URL of the content page or copy the HTML code that contains the markup.
Avoid doing this:
Use incorrect markup.
Using Data Highlighter
If you want to try systematic markup without changing the source code of your site, you can use the free Tool Data Highlight associated with Search Console. A different subset of content works on this tool.
Using 'breadcrumblists'
The breadcrumb is the line of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that immediately navigates back to the previous section or the first page. The first page in many breadcrumbs is the most common page (usually the root page). This is the left-most link and the special section is shown on the right. We suggest that you use a tool 28 that helps you markup the systematic data of the breadcrumb while showing the breadcrumbs.
The breadcrumb list showing the order of the current page with the website.
Creating an easy navigation page for users
A navigation page is the page of your site that shows the look of your website. It usually contains a list of how pages are arranged on your site. If viewers are having trouble finding pages on your site, they can visit this page. Although the search engines will also visit this page to take good crawl coverage of the page on your site, but this is primarily for those coming to your site.
Best practices
Make a list to organize the page well
Make it easier for those who arrive at your site as easy as possible to get to a particular content from ordinary content. Add navigation page where it is right and effectively add it to its internal link structure. Ensure that links on all pages of your site can be accessed and do not require any internal "search" to find them. Link to a similar page where it is right so that people can find similar content.
Avoid doing this:
Creating a complex network of navigation links, for example, linking every page of your site to every other page.
Cropping much of your content (so that you have to click twenty clicks to reach it from the homepage).
Using Articles for Navigation
Most navigation makes links on the articles easier to navigate from one page to another on your site. This allows the search engine to easily crawl and understand your website. If you use JavaScript to create a page, use the "a" element with the URL, because it specifies the value of the "href" value, and instead of waiting for the user interaction on page-load, all the menu items will be generated. is.
Avoid doing this:
Particulars, paragraphs, sub-titles, or layouts, in a large amount of articles related to different topics without any page.
Creating new, special content
Existing viewers will not only stay with you, but will also bring new viewers to new content.
Avoid doing this:
In existing material
Regularly make (or even copy) it by modifying it so that it can be better for users.
Put a duplicate or similar version of content on your site.
Learn more about duplicate content 36
Creating content by keeping the user in mind instead of the search engine
Designing your site according to the needs of your audience Make sure your site is easily available for search engines, usually giving positive results.
Avoid doing this:
Keeping the search engine in mind, putting many unnecessary keywords that are harassing or absurd for users.
Having small articles on the site that are not useful for users, such as "which misspellings were repeatedly used to access this page".
Hiding text from users wrongly 37, but showing up to the search engine
Work in a way that the user trusts you
Users will come to your site only if they trust your site.
A good image site is trustworthy. Create a good image to gain expertise and trust in a particular area.
Provide information about who creates content for your site, who publishes, and what its goal is. To solve problems of users on websites of shopping and other financial transactions, there should be accurate and satisfactory customer service information. News sites should be informed about who is responsible for their content.
It is also important to use the right techniques. If the connection to the checkout page for shopping is not secure, then users can not trust the site.
Explain clearly the expertise and authority of the site
The expertise of a site and the powers given to it increase its quality. Keep in mind that people who create and modify content for your site are well-informed about that topic. For example, a specialist or an experienced source can help users understand the expertise of the article. For pages based on scientific disciplines, if everyone's consent is possible, then it is good to have a decision accordingly.
Provide the right amount of material about your subject
At least one thing out of time, hard work, expertise and talent / skill in making good quality materials is abundant. Your content should be accurate, well-written and more informative, based on the facts. For example, if you tell the recipes on your page, just tell the complete and easy way of recipes instead of just giving a little bit of ingredients and dish information.
Avoid doing this:
Providing less content according to the needs of the page.
Avoid distracting ads
We hope that ads will appear on your site. However, these advertisements should not lead to annoying users or removing them from the content of the site. For example, advertisements, additional content, or pages that are open on full page (pages appearing before or after opening the page on the page), which makes it difficult to use the website. Learn more about this topic. 38
Avoid doing this:
Putting attention advertisements on your page
Use the link properly
Writing Better Link Articles
The link text is the text that appears inside the link. This article tells users and Google something about the page you are adding. The links on your page may be in the site-pointing to the second page of your site-or to the content of external sites. In any one of these cases, the better your anchor text, navigating to the users, and understanding it for Google will be as easy as the page you are connecting with about who it is about.
The image suggesting the necessary link text on your site.
With the right anchor text, users and search engines can easily understand what is included in the page added.
Best practices
Choosing the information that gives information
The anchor text you use for the link should have at least such basic information about it, about which page it has been linked to about it.
Avoid doing this:
Write common anchor text like "page", "article" or "click here".
Using an article which is off topic or has no relation to the content of the page added.
In most cases, use the URL of the page as an anchor text. However, it is definitely legitimate use in it, such as promoting or referring the address of a new website.
Write small articles
Write small but informative articles. These can usually include some words or short phrases
Avoid doing this:
Write long anchor texts, such as a long sentence or short paragraph of the article.
Formatting Link so that they can be easily viewed
Make it easy for users to differentiate between regular articles and anchor text of your links. If users forget the link or accidentally click them, then your content becomes less useful.
Avoid doing this:
Using the style of CSS or articles that make the link look like a regular article.
Think of anchor text for the inside link
You can usually think of adding links pointing to external websites. However, the links inside
Paying more attention to the anchor text used can help users and Google better navigate your site.
Avoid doing this:
Simply use a lot of keyword-filled or long anchor text for search engines.
Making unnecessary links that do not help users navigate the site.
Keep in mind that what other links do you link to your site
When your site is connected to another site, you can share the reputation of your site with another site. Sometimes users can take advantage of it by adding links to their site to a section or comment message in their comments. Or sometimes it may be that you do evil of a site and you do not want to share any of your reputation with them. For example, suppose you are writing a blog post on spam commenting and you want to call the site that has recently commented on spam about your blog. You want to warn other people about the site, so include its link in your content; However, you absolutely do not want to share the site with some of your reputation. It will be a good time to use nofollow.
"Nofollow" attribute can also be useful in widget links. If you are using a third-party widget to improve your site experience and include users, check if there is a link that you do not want to put on your site with the widget . Some widgets can add links to your site that are not of your liking. These include anchor text, which you can not control as a webmaster. If it is not possible to remove such unwanted links from the widget, you can always close them with the "nofollow" attribute. If you create a widget for work or your content, then decide whether to include nofollow on the link in the default code snippet.
Finally, if you are interested in nofollowing all the links on a page, you can add <meta name = "robots" content = "nofollow"> tags to the <head> tag for the page. For more information on robots meta tags, see Webmaster Blog 39.
Using "nofollow" to eliminate the effect of spam comments
Setting the value of the "rel" attribute of the link "nofollow" will tell Google that some links to your site should not be followed or your page's reputation should not be shared in the page added. Nofollowing a link means adding rel = "nofollow" inside the link's anchor text, as shown here:
<a href="http://www.example.com" rel="nofollow"> Insert anchor text here </a>
When will it be useful? If there is a blog on your site that has a public comment on, then the links inside those comments can share your reputation on those pages for which you do not want to support. The blog commentary section has a lot of potential spam commenting. By nofollow the added link of the user it is certain that you are not sharing a spam site with the hard earned reputation of your page.
Picture of user comments in which external links are present.
Adding "nofollow" on the comments column and the message board automatically
Many blogging software packages automatically nofollow user comments, but those who do not do it are more likely to make changes manually. This advice also applies to other areas of your site that may include user-generated content such as guest information books, forums, shout-boards, referral lists, etc. If you take responsibility for linked links of third parties (for example, if a commenter is trustworthy on your site), there is no need to use nofollow on the link; However, linking to sites that Google believes to be spam may affect your site's credibility. 40 more information about avoiding spam comments on the Webmaster Help Center. It has been mentioned about the use of CAPTCHA and the like to control the comment.
Captcha Popup Image
Optimizing Your Image
Using the "alt" attribute
Enter the details of the alt attribute for the image and the name of a file containing some information in it. If the image can not be shown for any reason, the "alt" attribute allows you to include alternative text for the image.
Image showing the need for better alternative text for the image.
Why use this attribute? If a user is viewing your site using assistive technologies, such as a screen reader, then the content of the alt attribute gives information about the picture.
Another reason is that if you are using an image as a link, then an article with the alt text of that image will be treated like anchor text. However, we do not recommend that you use a lot of images for links in your site's navigation in this situation, while the article link can do this. Lastly, whenever you optimize your image filenames and alt text, it will come to Google Image Search like Image Search Project.
It is easy to understand the rosy image better.
Best practices
Use small but informative filename and alt text
Like many parts of a page designed for optimization, file names and alt articles are the best in such a situation when they are small, but they are informers.
Avoid doing this:
Use common file names whenever possible, such as "image1.jpg", "pic.gif", "1.jpg" - if there are thousands of images on your site, then you have to keep the name of the image automatically Can think in
Write too long filename.
filling a keyword in an alt article or copying and pasting the whole sentences.
Including alt text while using the image as a link
If you decide to use a link as an image, filling out its alt article helps Google to understand more about that page, which you have added. Think you are writing anchor text for the article link.
Avoid doing this:
Writing a very long alt article, which can be interpreted as spam.
Use only image links for navigation of your site.
Helping Search Engine Finding Your Image
Image Sitemap 41 can give Googlebot more information about the image on your site. This increases the likelihood that your image can be found in image search results. The texture of this file is like the XML Sitemap file on your web page.
Using normal image formats
Generally use the running file type - JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and WebP image formats work on most browsers. It is a good idea to have the extension of your file name match with the file type.
Make your site mobile friendly
Today's world is the world of mobile. Most people are searching on Google using mobile The desktop version of a site can be difficult to view and use on a mobile device. Because of that, it is important to have a site for use on a mobile for its online presence. In fact, at the end of the year 2016, Google started specializing in the mobile version of the content of the site to give ranking, parsing systematic data, and snippets. 42
Understanding the difference between the device
Smartphone - In this document, "mobile" or "mobile device" means smartphones, such as devices running Android, iPhone or Windows Phone. Mobile browsers are like desktop browsers, in which they can render a comprehensive set of HTML5 features. However, their screen size is small and in almost all cases the default direction of their screen is vertical.
Tablet - We consider tablet as a separate category, so when we talk about mobile, we generally do not include the tablet in definition. The tablet has a big screen. This means that as long as you do not provide optimized content for the tablet, the user will be able to see your site in the same way it will appear on a desktop browser and not on the smartphone browser.
Multimedia Phones - These are phones with browsers that can render coded pages to meet XHTML standards, they run HTML5 markup, JavaScript / ECMAScript but some extensions API in the HTML5 standard (APIs) do not work. It usually refers to the browser of most of the 3G phones which are not smartphones.
Feature Phone - On these phones, the browser does not have the ability to render the normal desktop web page coded using standard HTML. It contains browsers that render only cHTML (iMode), WML, XHTML-MP etc.
We recommend smartphones, but we recommend owners of multimedia and feature phone site to do the same wherever they are.
Choosing a way to improve the site according to mobile
There are several ways to prepare your website for mobile and Google works in different ways:
Response (change) Web Design 43 (recommended)
Dynamic Serving (Show Page by User's Device) 44
Different URL 45
After creating a mobile working site, you can use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test 46. From this test you can see if your site's pages meet the conditions for using the "mobile-friendly" label on the page showing 'Google search' results. You can also solve problems occurring on your site's mobile by viewing the report 47 about using the site on mobile in Console.
If many pages of your site contain content that can not be modified (such as a blog post or a product's landing page), then use AMP48 (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to display content. This is a special feature of HTML that makes sure your site is fast and user-friendly and can be faster than many platforms including Google Search.
Configuring Mobile Sites so that they can be properly indexed
Regardless of which configuration you choose to set up your mobile site, you should keep in mind these important points:
If you use dynamic service or have a separate mobile site, then if a page is formatted for mobile (or formatted for mobile)
If there is a page like the page) signals to Google. It helps mobile searchers present your content correctly in Google's search results.
If you are using responsive web design, use the meta name = "viewport" tag to tell the browser about adjusting the content. If you use dynamic service, use different HTTP headers to indicate your changes depending on user-agent. If you are using different URLs, then you can indicate the connection between the two URLs with the <rel = "canonical" and the rel = "alternate" element with the <link> tag.
Keep resources crawlable. Restricting page resources can help Google get an incomplete picture of your website. This often happens when your robots.txt file is blocking access to some or all of your page resources. If Googlebot does not have access to resources for any page, such as CSS, JavaScript or the image, then we can not detect that it is designed to show on the mobile browser and to work well. In other words, we can not figure out that the page is "mobile-friendly" and therefore can not present it to mobile searchers properly.
Avoid such simple mistakes that make mobile viewers disappointed, such as giving unhandled videos (for example, flash videos as important content of the page).
The ranking of mobile page giving a poor searcher experience may decrease or may be shown with a warning in mobile search results. In this, when opening the site page on mobile, there are problems with appearing on the whole page of an advertisement or other information 49, which makes the user suffer.
Give full functionality to all devices. Mobile user mobile as well as on all the devices on which your website opens, do the same thing - like commenting and check-out and expect content. In addition to the literal content, make sure all the important images and videos are embedded. Also, make sure they can be accessed on a mobile device or not. For search engines, give all organized data and other metadata - such as title, particulars, link-elements and other meta-tags - on all versions of their pages.
Ensure that systematic data, images, videos and metadata on your desktop site are also included on the mobile site.
Extra procedures
With Mobile-Friendly Test 50, check out the pages with the mobile version of your site. This will tell you whether your site works well on mobile according to Google.
If you use different URLs for your mobile page, make sure you test both mobile and desktop URLs, so that you can confirm that the redirect is accredited and crawlable.
For more information, see Google's Mobile Friendly Guide .51
Promoting your website
As people find your content by searching or in other ways, most of the links to your site will be slowly added, yet Google understands that you want to tell others how hard you have done for your content. . By promoting your new material better, people will find it quicker than those who like these topics. Just like most of the points in this document, following the maximum extent of these suggestions can actually damage your site's credibility.
Put a blog post on your site to let your audience know that you've added something new. This is a great way to tell people about new content or services. Other webmasters who follow your site or RSS feed can also choose the story.
Hard work for offline promotion of your company or site can also be beneficial. For example, if you have a business site, make sure its URL is given on your business card, letterhead, poster etc. You can send newsletters repeatedly to customers through mail and can give them information about the new content on the company's website.
If you have a local business, putting the information on Google My Business52 will help you reach customers on Web Search and 'Google Maps'.
Sample of Google search results showing rich results for shops.
Better processes
Getting to know social media sites
Due to sites facilitating interaction and sharing with users, it is easy for people to reach the content they like.
Avoid doing this:
Trying to promote every new, small part of the content you created; Visit big, fun items.
Adding your site to such schemes 53 where your content is shown incorrectly at the top of these services.
Contact the people in the community related to your site
It is likely that there are many sites in which there are similar topic areas related to your topic. Talking through these sites is usually beneficial. You can get new ideas to create new content on topics that are relevant to the people around you and the community, or increase the number of people coming to the site.
Avoid doing this:
Send spam to link requests on all sites related to your subject area.
Second to get PageRank
Buying links from the site.
Analyze your search performance and user behavior
Checking how your site is performing in search results
Major search engines, including Google, provide free tools for webmasters to analyze their performance in their search engines. That is Google's Search Console54 tool
Search Console gives two important categories of information: Can Google find my content? How am I doing in Google search results?
Using Search Console will not be preferred to your site; However, it can help you identify problems that can help your site perform better in search results when corrected.
Along with the service, webmasters can:
See which parts of a site had problems crawling Googlebot
Checking and submitting Sitemaps
Analyze or generate robots.txt files
Delete crawled URLs already through Googlebot
Tell your favorite domain
Identifying Title and Information Meta Tags Problems
Understanding the most searched queries used to reach a site
Get a glimpse of how Googlebot sees the page
Receiving notifications of quality guideline violation and requesting rethink on the site
Microsoft's Bing Webmaster Tools55 also has webmaster tools for free.
Checking how your users see, read and use your site
If you have improved your site's crawling and indexing using Google Search Console or other services, then you probably want to know about traffic to your site. Web analytics program like Google Analytics is an important tool for information for this. You can use these to:
Find out how users access your site and how they behave
Finding the most popular content on your site
Measuring the effectiveness of the optimization done on your site, for example, by changing those title and information meta tags, improved traffic from search engines?
More knowledgeable users can understand things better. The information provided through the package of data, together with the data of your server log files, can give even more information about how viewers are using your documents. This information includes other keywords that people can use to find your site.
Other ways to get information
Webmaster Central Blog 56
Find out from the webmaster's central blog. You can find information about 'Google search' updates, new features of Search Console and many more.
Webmaster Help Forum 57
Post questions about the problems of your site and get advice for webmasters to create sites with a high quality product forum. Many people who are contributing to the forum are quite experienced, with 58 major contributors and Google employees who contribute from time to time.
Google Webmasters59 on Google+
Join the webmaster community and find updates on our information, events, advice and resources.
Google Webmasters60 on Twitter
Find us information and information related to resources. This will help you to create a great site.
Google Webmasters Channel 61 on YouTube
Check out hundreds of videos designed to help the webmaster community and Google's employees to find answers to your questions.
How 'Search' Works 62
See how it works when you search for something in Google search. You will know some fun things!
Add your business to the Internet 63
If you have a small business in the US, register your website for free. Small businesses on Google and Homestead's partnership programs GYBO can register their website for a year for free.
It's always beneficial to organize your content so that the audience can know exactly where a content topic starts and where else ends. Sharing your content into logical parts or parts helps users find what they want faster.
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