Obesity is a common problem in adolescents due to race-laden lifestyle and bad eating habits. After reading this article, the food that is helpful in reducing excess weight of the kidneys.
The lack of vitamin D is also the cause of obesity.
Eating intake in breakfast is the most beneficial.
Physical obesity can also be the cause of asthma.
Consumption of green vegetables and fruits is beneficial.
Due to rampant lifestyle and bad eating habits, the problem of obesity is getting serious in adolescents. To reduce obesity, the kidneys should take special care of the diet. Read this article and know who are the diet to lose weight for the kids.
Why is obesity in teenagers
Today's new generation diet has changed greatly. In snacks and food, juvenile pizzas, burgers, cold drinks, ice cream, pasta etc. are taking junkfood. Because of the problem of obesity in adolescents is increasing. Which is a concern. Obesity in adolescents is increasing today in the whole world. Because of this, the World Health Organization has named this obesity as globeticity. Lack of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol increase in children's obesity. Due to which large heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes increase. Obesity can also cause illness like asthma. Obesity affects the reproductive capacity of girls in girls. In some research, it is reported that there are more abortions in thick women. The cause of obesity in adolescents may also be hereditary. The second reason for this is fat-fed diet and all-time alkali mine. If the growing body of children is based on rust food, then it is more hungry, which increases the weight. Even if parents are employed, children may not get complete nutrients even if they are employed. Often sleep less than eight hours per day and changes in eating habits due to this, obesity increases rapidly in adolescents. . According to one study, obesity in girls is more rapid than their age, consuming less than eight hours of daily consumption of fat and fat, which sleeps for more than eight hours per day. Eating less than eight hours, changes in eating habits of adolescents itself changes and obesity increases. Increasing sleep time is less in the habit of eating more, but also increases calorie intake in them.
In fact, obesity in adolescents increases with vitamin D deficiency. If children are given vitamin D from the beginning, then this problem can be overcome to a great extent. The scientists believe that Vitamin D flourishes in the body, when the skin comes in direct contact with the sun. So keep in mind that you must spend some time in the sun. Along with the addition of certain items in the diet, children's body gets Vitamin D as well. Such as dairy products, eggs, fish Vitamin D is also available in plenty by eating porridge or lentils.
Weight Loss Diet for the Kidneys
Egg is the best meal to be used as breakfast. You may lose weight by eating it. The egg is helpful in reducing calories from the body and it provides energy by burning the fat. Due to this, the stomach is also full for a long time. At the same time, there is a very abundant protein in the egg, which gives vitamin D to the body and also reduces the calcium deficiency.
According to many researches, children who eat oatmeal, they study better in school and their concentration is also good. Whole grains such as fiber-rich greens and porridge gradually digest, as well as make matabalism stronger.
Salad should definitely be in your morning and evening meal. Salad is the best choice for you if you want to take low calorie and high fiber food. The raw vegetables and fruits used in the form of salads are antioxidants, natural enzymes and fibers which help reduce the body's cholesterol as well as digestion of food. It also keeps your weight under control.
Eat the peeled pulses. They contain plenty of protein. There are also folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B, etc. in pulses with proteins. By consuming them daily, the amount of cholesterol in the body is low, so that your weight is regulated.
The fruit
Fruits have the highest quality citrus fruits. Fruits of yellow and orange have beta-carotene and antioxidants. Citrus fruits are the major sources of vitamin C, calcium, mineral, fibers, etc. which are useful for the development of the body. Pectin in the lemon accumulates fat deposited in the body and also slows down the digestive process, which causes hunger to cool even after eating. In addition, vitamins, iron and other nutritious ingredients are found in fruits. Children should eat more fruit juice and seasonal fruits. Children can also be fed by making fruit salads like grapes, apples, oranges.
Citrus fruits are beneficial in diseases like diabetes, cancer, anemia, cataract, asthma, kidney stones etc. Continuous consumption of these fruits also increases the immunity of our body's immune system. The diet that is found in vitamin C helps burn the fat early and help the body in shape. These lemons, grapes, berries and oranges are all very helpful. Vitamin-C diets like carrots, leaf cabbage, broccoli, apples and watermelons etc. can be very helpful in drinking water and fat from the body.
Inside the almonds, good cholesterol and good fats are found which are not bad at all for the body. It contains fiber which makes the body healthy and active by burning fat. If you have almonds, then you will not get rid of it. As a breakfast, you should eat a total of 12-25 almonds, which will keep your hunger in control. Almonds contain nutrients that are very good for the development of the brain. Especially, it is very beneficial for the brains of teenagers. Almonds contain nutrients such as magnesium, copper and riboflavin, which help to increase body energy. Almond also keeps the body fit along with the brain.
The vegetables
Green vegetables like broccoli, leaf cabbage, greens, carrots and spinach burn the fat immediately with the body. If you eat it with yogurt and whole grains, then you will be healthy and fit. In such cases, tomatoes are also beneficial. If you want to lose weight then start using tomatoes in your diet right now. Eat spinach, along with iron, calcium, and folic acid, Vitamin A and C, which are found to be good for bones and brains. It contains carbohydrates which digest food easily and balances the sugar level. To remove obesity, use honey instead of sugar.
Sprouted grains
Graining grains doubles the amount of nutrients in the grain. Chana, moong, soya bean, peas etc. can be eaten by germination. In the winter season, adding the sprouted grains in breakfast is better than health. Its consumption does not lead to obesity and the body remains healthy.
Milk and curd
Dairy products contain plenty of protein and calcium. Milk calcium strengthens the bones and teeth of the children. Good source of calcium and protein which strengthens bones and teeth. It also eliminates the stomach's bad bacteria. To avoid obesity, take a little fat curd and eat the broken fruit in it.
To lose weight it is most important that you drink water as much as you can. It reduces hunger and keeps the body moist. Drink hot water after half an hour of food and you will realize how low your weight is during the week.
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