
Sunday, May 19, 2019

The current method of weight loss is wasteful. Use protein for weight loss!

The current method of weight loss is wasteful. Use protein for weight loss!

How are you working on weight loss?

There are a variety of approaches from the diet and the movement. Of the many weight loss methods, it is wasteful to focus on one.

This time, I will introduce some effective diet methods by combining several methods from the dietary approach.

 Temporal nutrition × sugar restriction × weight loss in order to eat
When and where should I eat weight loss and how much and how much to eat.

By thinking about this in detail, you will approach the weight loss method that fits the body mechanism.

 Eating time points
The circadian clock has a 25 hour cycle, but it needs to be reset to 24 hours daily as the Earth rotates. The way to reset is to eat breakfast between 6 am and 7 am, taking a morning sun.

Breakfast wakes up the clock gene.

By having breakfast, your blood sugar level will rise, which will be a sign of activity. This will increase daytime activity. Breakfast is essential for weight loss.

 Menu also includes carbohydrates
Even if you are using carbohydrate restriction, you need carbohydrates to raise your blood sugar moderately and to supplement vitamins that are often lacking.

Make good use of unrefined grains such as brown rice and whole grain bread. Fruits are conscious of dietary fiber, and apples that can be eaten with skin are also recommended.

The main dish is necessary. Add ingredients such as meat, fish, eggs, natto, and protein supplements, and make sure not to lose energy by cooking oil or salad dressing, etc.

Secure enough to eat
By having breakfast, the circuit that produces energy has become active. Let's secure the volume so as not to be too hungry by dinner. However, be careful when taking too much sugar.

 Let's increase protein and choose good lipid
I am conscious of weight loss and tend to increase the frequency of chicken breast meat and white fish, but I am worried about the lack of vitamin B group.

Vitamin B group is a nutrient that we want to supplement by all means during lunch during weight loss as it supports the efficient conversion of carbohydrates and lipids to energy.

Pork rich in vitamin B1 is famous, but let's actively eat red meat and fish.

It may be good to take in fats and medium chain fatty acids.

Medium-chain fatty acids have different absorption routes from long-chain fatty acids contained in cooking oil etc. and reach the liver more quickly, so they have energy-friendly properties. It is recommended that you use this oil property to stay active after lunch.

Try making a lunch with cooking oil made of medium-chain fatty acids or drinking coconut oil plus soup etc.

When implementing sugar restriction, it is a standard up to about 100 g of rice. Remember the amount of sugar contained in the rice.

Let's use divided meals if time is late
Dinner should be eaten around 12 hours after breakfast. People who have breakfast at 7 o'clock should have dinner by 20:00.

A clock gene that gives instructions to collect fat works from 22:00 to 2 midnight.

It regulates the secretion of hormones and enzymes and makes it easier for the body to get fat. Late night meals lead to increased body fat.

Use the divided menu and the order to eat
People who have late dinner due to work should have a light meal around 18 o'clock. Convenience stores rice balls and sandwiches are easy, but they are not suitable when using sugar restrictions.

Choose a protein source, such as chicken in the hot corner of a convenience store. Dietary supplements are also recommended.

After returning home, it is a vegetable-centered menu and it is ideal to use digestible tofu, low-calorie white fish and salmon meat at this time.

If you eat sugar, be aware of the order you eat to keep up with the sudden rise in blood sugar levels. When tired, it is difficult to feel a sense of fullness, and it is easy to eat fast and overeat.

Let's use divided meals if time is late
Dinner should be eaten around 12 hours after breakfast. People who have breakfast at 7 o'clock should have dinner by 20:00.

A clock gene that gives instructions to collect fat works from 22:00 to 2 midnight.

It regulates the secretion of hormones and enzymes and makes it easier for the body to get fat. Late night meals lead to increased body fat.

Use the divided menu and the order to eat
People who have late dinner due to work should have a light meal around 18 o'clock. Convenience stores rice balls and sandwiches are easy, but they are not suitable when using sugar restrictions.

Choose a protein source, such as chicken in the hot corner of a convenience store. Dietary supplements are also recommended.

After returning home, it is a vegetable-centered menu and it is ideal to use digestible tofu, low-calorie white fish and salmon meat at this time.

If you eat sugar, be aware of the order you eat to keep up with the sudden rise in blood sugar levels. When tired, it is difficult to feel a sense of fullness, and it is easy to eat fast and overeat.

 How to make a good snack
1 Choose a snack between vitamins and minerals

Don't treat nuts and dairy products as an after-dinner dessert, and eat between meals.

Less than 2200 kcal / day

Let's put a whistle to check the calorie display.

Start eating after deciding the amount

It is possible to reduce the amount of simmering things by putting confectionery in a small plate first.

I will not buy it.

If you divide what you like, you can also divide your calories.

Be careful of the amount of 4 sugars

One way is to choose snacks for which the main ingredient is protein.

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