
Monday, May 20, 2019

Home remedies for ways to increase facial beauty.

Home remedies for ways to increase facial beauty.

You can also bring more refinement in the beauty of your face as you sit at home, even domestic methods told by us. Yes, now you are deep sitting at Gauri

Lemon and honey

If your face is oily (i.e. oil) then you can use lemon and honey. This is a great home recipe (Gharelu Nuskha) to eliminate oil from your face. To use it, prepare a mixture of one honey and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and massage it on your face for 5 minutes. And finally wash your face with lukewarm water.

Hot water

Commonly, oyly-faced people have more problems with pimples and acne. And if you want to get rid of these problems quickly, then you must take a glass of hot water in the morning and empty stomach in the morning. Because the hibernate keeps your skin hydrated as well as the lack of vitamin C, so that your face starts clearing.
In summer, the brightness of the skin decreases. Therefore, daily massage of skin for face care should be done in the summer.
Make summer makeup very light and reduce in summer.
The nail breaks very much in the summer season, so be sure to add froth that strengthens nails, once a week.
Put a light colored nail polish in the summer.
Do not forget to apply the lip base or vaccine before applying lipstick. Put the lipstick before putting it in the fridge and tighten it.
Wedding in summer, apply natural or plain lipstick in the party so that it does not shake or spill too much.
Do not forget to put a little perfume in the end.
Read more to enhance facial beauty
Home remedies for ways to increase facial beauty
Applying a mixture of Aloe Vera Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar and Turmeric, all of these on the face removes facial frigidity.
It is also good to use turmeric and lemon juice to make the face blonde and sorghum. These tips are good for oily skin valves.
Mix gram flour, milk powder and turmeric and make a paste. Apply this paste well on your face. Doing so will shine on your face.
Honey, rose petals and milk paste are also useful for cleansing your color and improving the face.
Papaya is very useful in reducing the face color. Raw papaya helps in removing dead skin cells.
Add Yogart, Amla powder turmeric and gram flour, mix allover juice of juice and aloe juice and some lemon juice in it and prepare a paste and put it on your face. Doing this will clear the black spots in your face and moisture in the skin.
Applying pineapple and paky tomato paste on the face gives fairness.
Drink 4 to 6 liters of water per day so that the toxins present in the body can drain out.
Consume nutritious food so that the body gets the nutrients it needs.
To enhance the beauty of the face, please include green vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet.
Read simple Ayurvedic remedy to get beautiful skin
By the way, everyone loves winter season, but this season brings some trouble along with it also. Especially for those people, the problem is increased in this season, whose skin is too oily or lean and lifeless. I.e. at this time
Keep the face clean

Wash your face 2-3 times a day in winter and clean it well before sleeping at night. To clean the face you can use cold milk and cotton.


Scrubbing is necessary for all seasons. But in the winter season you can change scrubbing routine. Like comparing summer, scrubbing in a winter or even twice a week.

Be hydrated

You need more humidity for the skin appearing, for that you should be hydrated and continue to drink hydrated water.

Use the right moisturizer

Mosquoiding is not only necessary for rookie and lifeless skin, but it can be used by anyone in their daily life. In the winter, you can use natural properties-rich moisturizer.
Put the face pack
In the summer, you can apply various types of face packs on your face to enhance the beauty of the face. You can prepare a facepack with a mixture of curd, sandalwood, tomato juice and aloe vera gel in a bowl and put it on your face. This will not only clear your face but will also shine on your face.
It is very important in the summer season to have too much care of the face. You can use sunscreen to protect your skin. If there is too much sunlight in the summer then do not get out.

Keep the face clean
In summer like Summer, you must wash your face 2-3 times and clean it well before sleeping at night. To clean the face you can use cold milk and cotton.

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