
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Learn who can be deficient of vitamins - Which diseases?

Learn who can be deficient of vitamins - Which diseases? What are the methods of defense!

Vitalin talk today in a healthy connection. According to doctors, due to many diseases, there is a shortage of vitamins, it affects people of all classes, know which disease is due to deficiency of vitamin and how it can be run away. Vitamins are the components of food that all organisms require in small amounts. These are organic compounds. The compound is called Vitamin which can not be produced by the body in sufficient quantity but it is necessary to take it as a food. Elements of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, B-complex etc. are required. Which disease can be caused by the deficiency of vitamin in the body and what should be included in the food for its protection, Nutrition experts Dr. Surabhi Jain describes this - read also - after feeding everyone in the villages to eat Rituals of heavy vitamins on women's health- A vitamin A is found in two forms, retinol and carotene. Vitamin A is very important for eyes. This vitamin helps in maintaining many organs like skin, hair, nails, glands, teeth, gums and bone in the body in general. Due to the lack of vitamin A, there are mostly eye diseases, such as night blindness, spots in the white part of the eye. It also helps in maintaining calcium levels in the blood and strengthens the bones. To avoid the lack of vitamin A in the source body, eat beetroot, carrot, cottage cheese, milk, tomatoes, green vegetables, yellow fruits. Vitamin A is found in abundance in the body, which caters to it in the body. Vitamin B vitamins B helps in the formation and repair of genes found in our cells. It has many complexes, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B12. It helps in making some elements of intelligence, spinal cord and nerves. Red blood cells are also formed from this. Its deficiency can lead to many dangerous diseases like Berry Berry, skin diseases, anemia, retardation. It can also have a genetic cause. Intestinal and weight loss surgery can also be responsible for this. It is common among vegetarian people because this vitamin is found mostly in animals. Source Vitamin B is found mostly in non-meat products such as fish, meat, egg etc. Vegetarians are supplied milk and partly produced products, ground vegetables that are partially found in potatoes, carrots and radish. Vitamin C-V creates and coordinates compounds in basic chemical verbs of the body. Delivering messages to the nerves or flowing energy to cells etc. Vitamin C is essential for normal functioning of the human body. It is ascorbic acid which is found in all types of citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, guava, seasonal etc. Vitamin C deficiency can be a disease called scurvy, in which there are problems like fatigue in the body, muscle weakness, pain in joints and muscles, gum bleeding and walking in the legs. Due to vitamin C deficiency, the body also loses the strength to fight small diseases, which results in the form of diseases. Source Vitamin C is a good source of sour juicy fruits like amla, orange, lemon, orange, plum, jackfruit, mint, grapes, tomatoes, guava, apple, milk, beet, chawl and spinach Vitamin C. Apart from this, Vitamin C is also found in pulses. Vitamin fat is soluble, its deficiency stops accumulating blood clots. Its sources are green vegetables, sprouted gram and fruit.
Vitamin E Vitamin E plays a major role in preserving the body's immune system, keeping the body from allergic reactions, controlling cholesterol. Vitamin E is fat-soluble vitamin. It also acts as an antioxidant. It has eight forms. Its deficiency leads to decrease in fertility. Sources Vitamin E is found in eggs, dried, nuts, almonds and walnuts, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, mustard. Apart from this, vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, wheat, green greens, gram, barley, dates, rice beans.

Vitamin-D is the best source of vitamin D. Sun rays are When the skin of our body comes in contact with the ultraviolet rays of the sun, then these rays absorb in the skin and make vitamin D. If the sun's ultra violet rays get on the open skin of the body from ten to fifteen minutes twice a week, then the vitamin D of the body gets filled. With its deficiency, the bones become weak, the bones of the hands and feet are also scratched. As the obesity increases, the level of vitamin D in the body decreases, those who suffer from obesity-like illness should reduce obesity as well as meet the shortage of vitamin D. Source Sun is considered to be the best source of vitamin D. Apart from this, vitamin D is also found in milk, eggs, chicken, soybean and fish.

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